How to Use HubSpot Sales in Prospecting

Written by: Jimmy Newson

Jimmy Newson is the founder and CEO of Moving Forward Small Business, a membership-based digital publishing company on a mission to save a million small businesses from failure by 2050. He presents workshops and training regularly with Start Small Think Big, NY Public Library, SCORE, Digital Marketing World Forum, DC Start-Up Week, and international SaaS companies.


October 19, 2018

Hubspot’s Sales Methodology is one of the most effective ways to take your lead capture process to the next level and enjoy better leads that convert easier and have a higher lifespan. In sales prospecting, getting ahead of the competition is all that matters. Selling more means outsmarting your competition, and the best way to do that is by using Hubspot’s Sales Methodology.

In prospecting, you need to use the most valuable tools and strategies to find those leads that have the highest chance to convert. Here is how to use the HubSpot funnel in prospecting.

First and foremost, you need to determine the real quality of a lead. HubSpot uses a series of criteria to evaluate the probability of a conversion. They also use an advanced CRM software to keep track of every single lead.

book, homework, learning

Stage two of the process is the actual prospecting step. Here, your goal is to connect with your potential buyers directly. You need to get past the gatekeeper, which could be a receptionist, secretary or person in charge of communication, and get to the decision maker, which can be a CEO, CFO, CIO, IT manager, VP of Communications, and the list goes on.

At this stage, your goal would be to schedule the next meeting.

Educate & Evaluate
Next on, you need to uncover your customer’s pain points and see if he qualifies for your solution.
The final step, closing up the deal involves turning opportunities into customers. The closing ratio is critical here. You will discover more information about this aspect in our free eBook. (note: link here to the eBook – we’ll have another CTA at the end).
The final step, closing up the deal involves turning opportunities into customers. The closing ratio is critical here. You will discover more information about this aspect in our free eBook. (note: link here to the eBook – we’ll have another CTA at the end).
Top Sales Prospecting Tools
HubSpot recommends using specific sales prospecting tools that work exceptionally well in 2018. Here are some of them you can try today:

 Twitter: you can leverage the power of Twitter to get a good idea about what your customers need. You can sift through a prospect’s feed and find out what his pain points are.

HubSpot connect: this marketing tool from HubSpot makes it easy for you to connect all your apps and software to your HubSpot account and save time doing repetitive tasks.

HubSpot Sales Hub: this is another useful tool that allows you to efficiently manage your email campaigns and stay in control over how your prospects interact with your emails.

Evernote: this tool makes it a breeze to stay organized and on top of the daily tasks.


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