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Jimmy Newson & Helena Escalante
Helena Escalante
Hi, everybody, I’m Helena Escalante. I’m delighted to be here. I am your co host along with Jimmy Newson here at the Lead Magnet Virtual Summit. And today I have the honor and the privilege of interviewing Jimmy. He is, well first and foremost, a dear friend and I am so honored for your friendship and for you to be here. On the professional side, you are a digital marketing extraordinaire. You are director of marketing for the New York Marketing Association. You are a certified inbound marketing pro. You are a sales and marketing consultant. You are Just a bundle of all things digital marketing, fantastic put together, combined with ball of fire energy type of force of nature type of thing. Does that describe you well?
Jimmy Newson
It describes me or someone I’d like to me.
Helena Escalante
That is absolutely you. Well, Jimmy. Please tell us. We have an awesome topic today. And that is the $10,000 an hour mindset, which I think is tremendously important because we tend to look at our time as very valuable, as the most valuable asset that we have. And then sometimes we end up doing nothing but just squandering that time or doing menial tasks. How do we reach this, this $10,000 an hour mindset?
Jimmy Newson
Well, great question. And it’s hard to do, you know, so I didn’t know it existed. I actually had access to a document that I’m going to kind of talk about. It wasn’t created by me. It was created by our incredible marketer and business consultant named Perry Marshall, which we’ll we’ll kind of get to a little bit later. He wrote a book called “8020 sales and marketing,” which is an incredible book. And this system is in the book, and it’s a document that we were able to download. And it breaks down four sections of tasks in $10 an hour tasks, $100 an hour tasks, $1000 an hour tasks. And then there’s the $10,000 an hour task section, which is what we’re going to kind of talk about. So with that particular document, I am actually able to now be conscious of what I what I need to be doing and what I need to not either be doing or giving to someone else to do. And not that I can move everything that I’m doing to a $10,000 an hour section, you know, I’m still doing $10 an hour here and hundred dollar, thousand dollar. But now I’m aware of first thing I would do is get rid of everything that’s on the $10 an hour section, get that off my plate, give it to someone else so I can stay into the hundred dollar section. Once I’m there, then get that off my plate and move over to the thousand and then when I’m there, get that off my plate and stay in the 10,000. So this is about elevating yourself at some point, you know to be more than just someone who runs a particular business but to be a thought leader to be someone who has who is looked at by your peers as someone to look up to or get knowledge from and at the end up being a day you start to deliver this this mindset which puts you at $10,000 an hour.
Helena Escalante
I think that is great. However, let’s take this a little bit further. And let’s unpack what you said, because it’s really filled with gold nuggets in there if we just dig. So for our friends who are watching who are not necessarily familiar with this document, describe for us that first column, which is the $10 column, right? And then you said $100, then $1,000, and then $10,000. So let’s go column by column, what type of tasks are there in that very first column that we need to stop doing or give to someone else?
Jimmy Newson
Sure. I’ll give you a few of them and I’m going to pull the document up here so I can be clear and precise to the document. Other things like running errands, talking to unqualified prospects, you know, which you know, can waste a lot your time, cold calling, building and fixing your website, which I’m sure a lot of small business owners are doing. Even cleaning, you know house cleaning, if you work from home. attending meetings is only a $10 an hour, you know and you go wow, attending meetings should be pretty high but you know, there’s a certain type of meetings you should be attending and certain type of meetings you shouldn’t be attending. Trips to the store and maybe to go buy supplies for the office. Even building websites and and one thing is funny is on the list is spelling perfectly, which at the end of day tend to dominate your time we’re at the end the day you need to get that stuff off your list. Give it to other people.
Helena Escalante
Of course, yeah. Oh my god, spelling perfectly. I am so guilty of that one too. Okay, so I found myself on that list at least twice of not more. Okay, so those things to me seem somewhat easy in the in the grand scale of all things that we have to do and to consider doing somewhat easy to delegate or to give to someone else. Or to simply ignore. I’m not talking about necessarily the cleaning and then everything is dirty. But my point is, let’s go back to the to the spelling, just filling everything perfectly. If, of course, if you are going to print something for a client, of course, you need to make sure that it is perfectly well done, but someone can edit that for for you or someone can make sure that the document can be proof read for you or so on. But if I’m just shooting you a quick email, it doesn’t matter if it has a typo or not.
Jimmy Newson
You know to some degree, if you have like a Grammarly or something like that easily fix things quickly, then you’re not so concerned with it. And once we get to the $10,000 an hour type tasks stuff, then you’ll see why something like that is on the $10 when it does seem like it could be more of a higher priority thing.
Helena Escalante
Okay, so now that’s the $10 Now let’s move on to the $100.
Jimmy Newson
so it could be solving a problem for a prospect or an existing customer so basically your customer service type stuff. talking to qualified leads writing an email to a prospect or customer which you know you could, at the end of the day, if you’re writing something over and over again, this can definitely be something you can leverage in your CRM where you can start leveraging templates. You know, when you’re writing the same thing all the time and I have HubSpot. So I use HubSpot. All right an email and realize I’m going to be probably writing this Email a lot, and I’ll templatize the email. And now it saves me time having to write that email, especially if I have to be the one doing it
Helena Escalante
Absolutely. Can I just add something to that. I heard from I can’t remember right now who said that, but it’s one of these productivity gurus, which I happen to agree with that if you are going to be doing something more than twice, you might as well build a process a system or a template to make it easier faster, and try to avoid errors as much as possible.
Jimmy Newson
Sure. Yeah, definitely. And then you have creating marketing tests and experiments. Now I forgot to add this to the $10. I’m going to do the 10 and the hundred $10 is working social media the way most people do it. Now the hundred is doing social media well, which is rare. So you’re doing it better than Normal, but it still is $100 now, which is still not, you know, not a stick to shake, shaking a stick at at $10 an hour. outsourcing simple task if you’re the one outsourcing tasks to a third party or a vendor or VA or, or administrative assistant. And even customer follow up, you know, someone else should be doing that. Now, what I want you to keep in mind is maybe if you’re a one person shop or you have three or four people, you’re going to still definitely have to do some of these things. But at least now, you know, in a $10 and $100 and so forth, what things need to go first. And so the objective is to replace it with someone who’s going to be worth more than than the value of they’re bringing. So that generates revenue so you can continue to move up and as you move up, everybody else kind of moves up as well. Okay, so those are some things on the hundred dollar an hour tasks that you may be doing that you might need to eventually go. All right. When is the best time for me to get this off of my list of things to do?
Helena Escalante
Makes definitely a lot of sense. Okay, so now let’s move forward to the $1,000 column.
Jimmy Newson
Sure, so the $1,000, and that’s planning and prioritizing your day, you know, which is one of the most effective ways to create a more streamlined and structured system. So if you’re able to do that, then you know you are doing work which is worth $1,000 an hour.
Helena Escalante
So now let me ask you something, when and how do you plan your day, if we can just talk about this and then we can continue with the rest of the column because I’m sure that it’s full of incredible tips that we definitely want to go deeper into.
Jimmy Newson
Well, I actually use a project management tool, and I use my calendar, and I should be using the project management tool more. It’s just about getting used to it. So the project management tool uses Trello. So I’ve created boards, I created boards for clients, my client interactions. I’ve created boards for when I onboard clients for specific tasks, digital marketing tasks, whether it’s local SEO or ad campaigns, website design. But then I also have boards for myself, I have a to do list board and it has immediate midterm and long term. So everything goes somewhere. So anything in the immediate is stuff I deal with immediately, anything that’s kind of mid level, that might not necessarily my attention, but if I’m able to knock everything off of my immediate to do list, I can move it into that section now. And then long term is just stuff I think about that one day i may get to, and then that ties into my calendar, but I also have my calendar up constantly because sometimes I may add things to my calendar. I can look at them both. And I may go this probably this is going to require a lot more of my time, or it’s going to require more resources. So maybe I’ll pull it into Trello and then break it apart as individual steps. At the same time, looking at this document that I got from Perry, Marshall, and going, should I even be doing this? And this is where the document starts to come in handy when I have this document, and I’ll go all right, there are steps in this overall step that following the $10 and the $100 section and I’m only playing in the thousand dollar section now. So now I immediately know let me make sure I got somebody in place to do these other two things. Or if I don’t, I’m going to outsource it to someone. So it gets done and and I’m not holding up the process of something materializing into something that we can benefit from at some point in time.
Helena Escalante
Yeah, that’s brilliant. Oh my God. Okay. So, what comes after planning and prioritizing your day in the $1,000 column?
Jimmy Newson
Well you also got building sales funnels, you know because as a digital person like that, like I said. This document is definitely marketing heavy, products heavy but at the end of the day those are things that help move the needle when it comes to the business. The better you are at marketing the easier you can be at selling because the market is doing the heavy lifting you know and make it easy for you to you are your salespeople because you’re you’re bringing in more qualified leads versus unqualified leads because they didn’t understand the message and got everything wrong and now you’re having a conversation, it’s never going to go anywhere. Creating Pay Per Click campaigns, you know, it’s thousand dollar an hour work but it takes time and energy and if you’re not an expert at it, you could be blowing your budget, you could be wasting a lot of money. delegating complex tasks because now you’re going okay, you know I’ve given away all my easy tasks, your administrative assistant, maybe now pass it off smaller tasks to the team instead of you. Now you’re doing the higher task creations and passing it to her or to him to pass down to everyone else. So that’s thousand dollar an hour and then now we get into sales copy, writing sales copy, which is different than just being a spellcheck maniac. You know, writing sales copy, now and you’re being more specific about writing for someone because you’re leveraging your personas, your ideal customers and your clients and making sure that the message is on point with your mission, your purpose, the goals of the business, whether it’s a you know, monthly, quarterly, yearly, you know, so you’re looking at the bigger picture, when you’re working on the sales copy, what new products should we have in the pipeline? What new services do we have coming out? How do we start looking at setting this stuff up to move forward? So these are things that that kind of fall into the thousand dollar an hour category. And like I said, I still can’t do it for justice. But I wanted to bring it up in this conference. Because you know, at the end of the day, you know, we’re hitting everybody here that’s watching with so much incredible opportunities to market their business with leveraging lead magnets, whether their traditional PDFs, trying to start a podcast or doing a live event, or any of these things, they’re going to require you to think a little bit further. You’re gonna have you’re gonna have to upgrade yourself mentally to go How do I do this and not necessarily be caught every day in my business?
Helena Escalante
Right, right. You have to work on your business, not in Your business, when you can have the help of other people who can help you work in it to make it grow. And then to move yourself, as you mentioned initially from those $10 an hour jobs to something way, way larger, which is what we’re going to talk about next. So you just described the thousand dollar an hour column. So now let’s move on because I’m very, very curious about what’s in that coveted $10,000 an hour column.
Jimmy Newson
Yes, and this is where I’ve spent most of the last probably six months starting to perfect for myself. And this is where I want to start playing moving forward, in my life and in my business, so and understand that this has helped me be not only a better business person, but just a better person in general. So this has helped me personally and professionally. So let’s get into the $10,000 an hour type of tasks. At the top of the list is improving your USP, your unique selling proposition. So what makes you unique? What makes you different?
Helena Escalante
Okay, and I’m sorry, let me interrupt for just a second. And for those participants in the summit who are not all that clear as to what the unique selling proposition is, do you mind explaining really quick?
Jimmy Newson
sure what the unique selling proposition is what makes you unique, what makes your product unique? What are some key things that differentiate you from the competition. You know, maybe things that they can’t do, maybe things that they can’t claim maybe awards you’ve won, maybe organizations you belong to maybe certification, maybe things that you’ve acquired, your access of gaining more and more knowledge, you know, maybe those three letters at the end of your name, you know, as a doctor or or a master of whatever And your experience. One thing I always tell people when when I’m speaking at live events, I usually go, you know, you can have a room full of 20 marketers or 20 plumbers or a 20 dentist or 20 anything in a room, and I go, what does the one thing immediately the immediate one thing that separates every single person in this room even if everybody did the same thing. I go, your experience. Everybody’s experience everybody’s journey, everybody’s road will always be different. And people pay for your perspective on something. That’s where the value of what you can charge goes through the roof or goes up. So that to me is is all part of your unique selling proposition.
Helena Escalante
I think you make a very good point in there and it reminded me of that story about the lady who was with Picasso, the painter at the coffee shop. And he was doodling in a napkin. And at the end, she came up to him and said, Would you mind telling me that napkin and he said something to the effect of Sure. It’s $20,000. And she said, what it took you 30 seconds to doodle that? And he said, No, it took me a lifetime. Wow. And yeah, because it’s your experience. It’s that accumulation of expertise, experience, study, work, everything that makes you unique. You could not have described it better. And also, I want to take a moment to invite all the participants to watch the interview that we’re having, with you and with Isabella Wang from the New York Marketing Association, because the topic exactly is how to grow your business by improving your unique Selling Proposition and you give so many ideas that I’m sure a lot of further ideas are going to be sparking in the minds of the participants.
Jimmy Newson
So I’ll give a couple of few more, creating new and better offers. So you know, definitely something like that and negotiating major deals, selecting team members, public speaking, and establishing values and culture for your business. Because at the end of the day, now, these don’t necessarily pan out, you know, the $10,000 an hour because they don’t necessarily pan out immediately for that, but when you’re playing in that field all the time, the $10,000 an hour starts to compound because you know, public speaking puts you in the room full of 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000 people at one time, that all hear your message and hear about you and your business and your mission. And now 30 people in that room are ready to immediately engage you and your company. And now I’m that compound interest is what’s happening. So whether you’re doing courses you’re doing, your know, your podcasts, anything that like I said, these are things that allow you now to increase your unique selling proposition. And now you’re no longer doing the one to one, you’re doing the one too many.
Helena Escalante
So as I see it, these things in the $10,000 column help you by increasing or by building your platform further out so that you can be seen, heard, read, etc. by more people and therefore your value, the value that you can bring to them is greater than to just a few or whatever it is that you’re doing in the leftmost column, which is a $10 an hour column.
Jimmy Newson
Yeah, definitely. And like you said before, I don’t want to go too deep in the unique selling proposition because I want to, I want people to watch the one with me and Isabella. But at the end of the day, there are definitely things that you need to be doing and some of them take practice. if you’re playing in the $10 in a $100 range, you’re not going to just jump immediately to the $10,000 yet. Perry Marshall actually has something I’m going to pull this up, I have a I pulled up the blog, and I’m going to share a link to some of the stuff that we’re talking about for everybody. Because I know you guys going okay, well how do I get access to this stuff? Well, it’s going to be on the page. But what he says is, you know, even a $20 an hour person at 40K a year, spends at least one minute a day earning $900 an hour, one minute a day is worth $900 to somebody because they end up doing something. And sometimes this is just not, it’s not a cost conscious thing that they’re doing it, it just happens. But that one particular minute actually translates to $900. Now the key here is to be woke. So now you’re more aware of what is a $10 an hour tasks versus a $10,000 an hour tasks. So you can kind of justify doing something that may not necessarily immediately convert to $1, but has the value that is worth continuing until it does start to convert to some type of revenue. But at that point, since you’re now at the top of the food chain, you know it is worth $10,000 either to you or to your business.
Helena Escalante
Yes, what you said is so true, because I remember when I read the book, that Perry Marshall has this graph that depicts the, of course, the 8020 rule, and how it shows how little is the least that you make and how much is the max that you make based on certain things and certain parameters. And then you can have this tool online as well because he makes it available for anyone. And you can go and input whatever it is that you want and see the 80/20 results for you either personally, for example, if you want to input information about exercise or something, but also for your business, which is what it was ultimately designed for. It’s fascinating. I would encourage anybody to go and click on those links that you’re going to be putting in there.
Jimmy Newson
And it’ll make more sense once you do have this document. And like I said, I’ve actually started using this document with my clients, you know, so they think they’re hiring me for marketing. I’m going no, I’m going to make you a better business person by having you absorb this information. However you internalize this, and I’ve got people calling me up going this turn on that you got me on here is absolutely amazing. Because at the end of the day as someone who’s in business to help other businesses be better at marketing. If I don’t help them upgrade themselves, then they can hire me, they can’t continue to pay me. And two, if I can help them become better businesses and their businesses explode, well, they’re going to pay me even more. And that’s my unique selling proposition from a marketing standpoint, where you’re not just hiring a marketer, you’re hiring a guy who’s going to help challenge you and help put you in a position that you weren’t before you started working with him. You know, leveraging some of these things and get you to think a little bit More about, you know, being a thought leader being someone who can get things off the plate that are not moving you in the right direction and add things to the plate that do point you in a direction that, you know, and a year, two years, five years from now, and you’re hitting goals that you never thought were possible.
Helena Escalante
Absolutely. And some of these things that, that we do, going back to the beginning of our talk, are such ingrained habits, that we do them without thinking of the ultimate cost, right, because if I’m devoting myself to doing something that I do habitually, but that it’s only again $10 an hour versus dedicating my time to doing something that is $10,000. That is an enormous difference for my bottom line, but out of habit, I may not be aware of that. So when someone like you comes and points it out, it’s of enormous value?
Jimmy Newson
Well, it is. And I can even be a case study for how this has been applied.
Helena Escalante
Well, I mean, it definitely. And as you mentioned this last year, because we’ve been working closely that just to put together the summit and other events, but yes, I would love if you could share with our audience how you did this.
Jimmy Newson
All right. So I did one thing this year, and I went from being a part of an agency. I took the position of the marketing director for the New York Marketing Association. And I took the position because, of course, it’s a great position and you’re now getting an opportunity to work with a lot of other marketers, but understand the the unique selling proposition of having that title. You know, and the fact that you know, now I was able to have bigger meetings with people I was able to walk into fortune 500 companies and start working on say like educational deals, you know, which could not have happened if I was still staying as an inbound marketing consultant, or working with an agency where I just work with specific clients and help them solve the task. I upgraded myself with that one move gave me the opportunity to check like five or six things off the $10,000 an hour checklist. public speaking, now I’m speaking a lot more I was speaking more then. But now the perception of the people in the audience to me, grew. Yeah, you know, I’m my my ability to look at creating better offers. This summit. This summit wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t change my mindset and start thinking about bigger things. It took me a lot, it took us a lot to put this thing together. But at the end of day, that wouldn’t have been my focus if I didn’t start Making Moves based on the fact that I had a new position, a new title. And that title kind of gave me an opportunity to look beyond what I was doing before.
Helena Escalante
Yeah. And I think the title not only opened doors, but also opened your eyes to newer and bigger possibilities.
Jimmy Newson
So that in itself, that was probably one of the biggest upgrades that happened to me this year alone, that literally, I’m not even the same person, maybe eight months ago.
Helena Escalante
Well, and I am so proud of you. And I can only see a continued meteoric rise for you as we move on to 2020 and so on and so forth. So this is fantastic. And I think this is the perfect note, just the perfect super high note to leave this on. And just to encourage everybody to go to those links that you’re going to add so that they do themselves can then move forward, just like a meteor just rise to the top so that they can move on to that $10,000 column and start making improvements to their lives and to their businesses the way they’ve always wanted to do them.
Jimmy Newson
Yeah, definitely. So yeah, the links are going to be on this page. So I’ll find as many resources as I can that’s around this particular topic. Like I said, again, I’m not the creator of this, this was this is the brainchild of Perry Marshall. I was actually given the book by my mentor, like in 2014 to 2015. So I’ve had the book and had access, but it really didn’t gel until the end of 2018. When I just happened to pull out that document I looked at it and at the time I was you know going through this transition and now it made sense to me, and then as I studied it more then things became clear and I started moving things off my list. And just so you guys know, there’s still things that I’m doing that’s on the $10 an hour list. So it’s not cold turkey, because I should be off of it, but we’re all human. But I’m definitely playing heavily in the $10,000 section and now my schedule is getting crazy as I now I’m working with the Trello and my calendar, so that now I can look at it and go, I gotta get this off. I gotta get this off. I gotta get this off. You know, And like I said, I was not looking at this from this standpoint and going, Okay, this is an $10,000 an hour tasks. So yeah, I should continue doing this even though I’m going should I be doing this? And now when I look at this document, I’m saying yes, you should definitely be doing this.
Helena Escalante
So it’s almost like another book that I’m reminded of that if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a Hell no, it’s a resounding no.
Jimmy Newson
And you’re using this as as a guide post. The first question you asked me was, how do you determine and I go, you need something as a guide that helps you so you’re not doing it by yourself.
Helena Escalante
That is perfect. That is awesome. So well, Jimmy, thank you. This has been awesome. And I want to be very respectful of your time and have our participants time. But this has been fantastic. And I really appreciate you sharing all this with us.
Jimmy Newson
Thank you. Well, it’s my pleasure.

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