Like any project, the success or effectiveness depends on good planning. The following are some key points to examine before starting a promotional video:
What is the Purpose?
Who is Your Target Audience?
Consider age, gender, educational and professional background, geographic location and economic, social and cultural factors. The enthusiasm, energy and tone you set in your video would vary if you were speaking to US college students as opposed to top international business executives in, for example, the finance industry. Once you clearly establish your audience, or audiences as the case may be, get a clear understanding of what they want to see and hear. Then think in terms of how to speak directly to them and capture their attention with your goals in mind.
Develop A Script
Think Visually
What part could the human touch play in your video? Who will best represent that? Do you need to hire professional talent? Will you need a makeup artist? What images do you want to portray? What environment and colors would best set a mood suited to your message? Would special effects help drive your point? Would backlighting your video give it a cool edge?
Take An Objective Look
People appreciate short videos that are well planned and have a purpose. If you can hire the professionals to help guide you along the way, you’ll certainly have a better edge on your production.
JNL Media produces videos for small businesses, corporations, organizations and private clientele and delivers any format required, from DVD to digital for licensed distribution.