Small Business Infographics – How To Grow Your Business

Small Business Infographics - Jimmy Newson Consulting

Written by: Jimmy Newson

Jimmy Newson is the founder and CEO of Moving Forward Small Business, a membership-based digital publishing company on a mission to save a million small businesses from failure by 2050. He presents workshops and training regularly with Start Small Think Big, NY Public Library, SCORE, Digital Marketing World Forum, DC Start-Up Week, and international SaaS companies.


June 25, 2020

Are you looking for great information to help you grow your small business?  Check out these small business infographics below.  Click on them to enlarge them.  You are also welcome to share them and even embed them on your website.  Just please give attribution to

Your Competitive Analysis in 7 Steps Infographic

Your Competitive Analysis in 7 Steps Infographic - Jimmy Newson Consulting

Your Market Research in 4 Steps Infographic

Your Market Research in 4 Steps - Jimmy Newson Consulting

The 5 Types of Business Competitors Infographic 

The 5 Types of Business Competitors - Jimmy Newson Consulting

10 Essential Stats You Should Know about Competitive Intelligence Infographic

Your Competitive Analysis in 7 Steps Infographic - Jimmy Newson Consulting

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