My Instagram Stories Takeover with Start Small Think Big

Start Small Think Big Instagram Takeover with Jimmy Newson

Written by: Jimmy Newson

Jimmy Newson is the founder and CEO of Moving Forward Small Business, a membership-based digital publishing company on a mission to save a million small businesses from failure by 2050. He presents workshops and training regularly with Start Small Think Big, NY Public Library, SCORE, Digital Marketing World Forum, DC Start-Up Week, and international SaaS companies.


April 29, 2021

My Start Small Think Big Instagram Stories Takeover for National Volunteer Week

On April 20, 2021, I had the pleasure of doing an Instagram takeover with Start Small Think Big.

Start Small Think Big is a non-profit that relies on skills based volunteering to provide pro bono professional advice to small business owners who otherwise will not be able to afford or access that help (finance, marketing, legal, consulting). 

I am happy and excited to be partnering with Start Small Think Big on this fun opportunity.  I hope you enjoy the content I shared. 



Hey guys, Jimmy Newson here. And this week is National Volunteer Week.

I’ll be doing a takeover of the Start small Think Big Instagram account. So definitely check them out, like their page, and follow me as I give you some volunteering and marketing tips,

I’ll talk a little bit about volunteering and talk a little bit about community.  I’ll also discuss some things that I’ve learned along the way.

So I look forward to sharing some time with all of you.

I’ll see you soon. Bye-bye!

National Volunteer Week

Hey guys, Jimmy Newson here, the founder of Jimmy Newson, consulting and moving forward small business.

If you didn’t know, this week is National Volunteer Week here in the United States. And with that, I’ll be doing an Instagram takeover throughout the day of the Start small Think Big Instagram account.

So I look forward to talking about the volunteering community, what that means to me and what that means to you. So please follow along with me throughout the day, and I’ll see you in the next story.

My Relationship with Start Small Think Big

So here’s a little bit more about me.

I’m a Start Small Think Big marketing volunteer. And I’m also a member of the associate board. Volunteering for me is part of my purpose.  It allows me to help small businesses achieve their goals, help them see their vision and the vision of their business. I help them come to life if they are just getting started or grow if they’re looking to get to that next level.

I’m able to do that by doing one on one pro bono consultations. I like to do workshops and webinars where I can talk to many business owners and really help them look at the problems that they’re having. And give them solutions that help them solve them.

What are the Benefits of Volunteering?

There are quite a few benefits when it comes to volunteering. I’m going to give you four reasons.

One is you get to learn a new skill.

Two, you get to step outside of your comfort zone.

Three, you get to network with others and build your relationships.

Four: And finally, you get to make an impact on your community.

So my question to you is, what benefits or what benefits are important to you when it comes to volunteering

The Power of Community

Let’s talk about the power of community.

Start small think that brings together expert volunteers and small business owners to create a strong working relationship.

Sometimes, when we do things individually, we can feel like we’re really not making an impact. But when we come together, we can make a huge impact. And that impact is how the community really benefits from what you and other volunteers have to offer.

So I would love for you to work on becoming a pillar for your community.

Here’s a Quick Small Business Marketing Tip

All right, it’s time for a small business marketing tip.

Whether you’re local, regional, or national, make sure that you claim your Google My Business listing. If you have not done so please do it as soon as possible.

Google My Business listing, of course, is a part of Google. And that allows you to control the narrative in regards to what people get to understand and get to know about your business.

Not only where will it produce a knowledge panel when people search the name of your business, you can also list services and you can label yourself pick the right industry, and then you can show up in searches around your products and services, to increase the awareness of your business, even when they don’t know your name.

So claim your Google My Business listing. It is a source of your local SEO search and it’s also a great way for you to outrank bigger competitors and national competitors.

My Final Word on Volunteering

Well, it’s time for me to sign off for the day.

I want to say I love working with Start Small Think Big and small businesses because I always learn something new.

It could be how a particular business works or how I can be a better volunteer. It’s always a learning experience.

So remember, volunteering rocks! It helps you give back. It helps others achieve their goals, and it helps our community grow.

Lastly, enjoy National Volunteer Week. Have fun volunteering or growing your business. And please connect with me on Instagram or here at

Take care.






701-6 Koehler Ave, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

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